Workshops, Courses & Programmes
A Selection of Our Personal Development Programmes & Workshops
- The Manager as Coach
- Coaching for Team Leaders and First Line Managers
- Effective Communication
- Selling Skills and Sales Training
- Coaching and Mentoring
- Creativity, Innovation and Problem Solving
- Negotiation Skills
- Presentation Skills
Mental Toughness
Mental toughness is the quality, which determines in some part how people deal with challenge, stressors and pressure. Our mental toughness programmes seek to:-
- Develop strategies and tactics to help individuals perform under pressure.
- Help managers get the best from their people.
- Recruit more effectively around these key criteria.
- Accurately assess the strengths and weaknesses of their people:
- Build resilience.
- Build teams that can deliver performance.
Click here for more information on mental toughness programmes
Accredited ILM Leadership & Management Qualifications
Team Leading and Management VRQ’s
- ILM Level 2 Award in Team Leading
- ILM Level 2 Certificate in Team Leading
- ILM Level 3 Award in First Line Management
- ILM Level 3 Certificate in First Line Management
- ILM Level 4 Award in Management
- ILM Level 4 Certificate in Management
Leadership VRQ’s
- ILM Level 3 Award in Workplace Coaching
- ILM Level 4 Award in Leadership
- ILM Level 4 Certificate in Leadership
- ILM Level 5 Award in Leadership
- ILM Level 5 Certificate in Leadership
Leadership and Management VRQ’s
- ILM Level 3 Award in Leadership and Management Skills
- ILM Level 3 Certificate in Leadership and Management Skills
Specialist Topics
- ILM Level 2 Award in Effective Team Member Skills
- ILM Level 2 Certificate in Effective Team Member Skills
- ILM Level 3 Award in Workplace Coaching
- ILM Level 7 Strategic Leadership
Other Programmes
- ILM Level 3 and Level 5 Open Courses
- ILM Endorsed & Development Awards
Incorporated into the above programmes we also use:-
– ILM 72 Leadership Metric; and
– ILM MTQ 48 Mental Toughness Questionnaire